Ontario Duathlon Scene News and a Gift from Power Bar

A short post today to say congratulations and to say thank you.

First, congratulations to Jesse Bauer, a fellow Ignition Fitness ambassador, and Larry Bradley, a fixture of Ontario's duathlon scene. (Both are incredibly speedy racers!) This dynamic duo has just launched two new online resources for athletes that love this unique multisport.

Ontario Duathlon Enthusiasts is a new online portal that can be found at: http://ontarioduathlonenthusiast.wordpress.com. Its sister resource is on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/du_enthusiasts.

Check them both out. I expect both will grow as the weather warms up and our minds collectively turn toward racing season.

Second, I'd like to extend my thanks to Canada Running Series and Power Bar Canada for the goodie package that arrived by mail today. I'm a digital champion for the Toronto Yonge St 10k race coming up on April 13th and all the members of this team received these treats to help with training. They were the perfect energizing snack at the end of a workday - just what I needed to fuel weights and a one-hour bike ride. Hope to see all of you out on race day taking part in one of Canada's fastest 10k runs!
