Motivation Monday: Some of my favourite articles of 2014

Throughout 2014 on Twitter, I shared quite a few articles about leadership, management and improving oneself.  Here is a handful that stood out to me and that are worth sharing again.

7 Interesting Things That Arianna Huffington Taught Me About Success, advice about rediscovering wisdom, wonder and well-being.

13 Tips for Getting More Reading Done by Gretchen Rubin, author of the Happiness Project.

Here are the four books that I read over the Christmas holidays: 

Just what I needed: a mix of pick-me-up self-improvement with pure sci-fi and fantasy.

Five surefire ways to maximize your life, starting this morning by Sean Kelly of - Simple tips you can add to your morning to start off your day on a positive note.  I still need to try the breakfast bowl recipe.

9 Things Successful People Won't Do - Smart tips, many of which revolve around finding ways to be happy and find perspective.

The 30 Day Appreciation Challenge, part of the #ThoughtRevolution by Shaun Proulx.  It gets results.  Trust me.

10 Things Endurance Athletes Need to Stop Doing, via TrainingPeaks.  Yes, I had to throw in a multisport article for good measure.
