Monday Inspiration

"I just wanna go on more adventures. Be around good energy. Connect with people. Learn new things. Grow."

Last week, Torontonian Mark Sawh shared this image on Twitter. He's definitely someone that dabbles in adventure -- he's out in BC right now, having just completed the Sea Wheeze half marathon -- while also sharing good energy -- he is a motivating force for local runners as a #TYS10K and #STWM digital champion.

I'm in a period of adventure, having completed two of my favourite races last week (race report to follow) and preparing to head to Bermuda with my partner Rob for an extended Labour Day weekend. In four day's time, we'll be listening to the tree frogs chirp at night... a beautiful sound. Later in September, we'll be spending a week in San Francisco... I can't wait to run up and down its famous hills and check out the nearby redwood forests.

Hope you have a fantastic week filled with adventure!
